HuddleSync – a coordination app in Ruby on Rails

I developed and deployed my first Ruby on Rails app the other day. The result can be found at I have experience in other MVC frameworks (i.e. Laravel), but very little to none in RoR prior to this. I deployed the application on both Heroku and Although Heroku ended up being slightly easier … Continue reading HuddleSync – a coordination app in Ruby on Rails

FPiS – Functional Data Structures and Pattern Matching

Overview I went to Wisconsin to visit family a couple weeks ago, and I came home with a bad cold that went down into my chest.  Because of that, and because Chapter 3 of Functional Programming in Scala is packed with lots of exercises, it has taken me awhile to get through.  In this chapter the … Continue reading FPiS – Functional Data Structures and Pattern Matching

FPiS – Tail Recursion and Higher-Order-Functions

Overview Chapter 2 of Functional Programming in Scala starts by giving some basic syntax and understanding of the Scala language.  Since my main focus in studying this book is to sharpen my ability to think functionally, I will not write much about Scala here.  This chapter also covered Tail Recursion and Higher-Order Functions. Tail Recursion I remember … Continue reading FPiS – Tail Recursion and Higher-Order-Functions